As a mother of two, Lucy Morrison created Nana Huchy in 2003 with a collection of soft toys, baby blankets and classic gifts for little ones. Lovers of the Nana Huchy range will be excited to hear about the addition of some new characters joining the family. Meet Lewis the Lion and Benny the Bear who join the current range of classic soft toy animals; Neddy & Freddy the Teddies, Sophie the Sheep, Jimmy the Elephant & Clover the Cow.
Coochie Coo!
The collection also welcomes the much anticipated Hoochy Coochie puppet comforter. Lucy explains, “In developing our Hoochy Coochie, we wanted to make things that little bit easier for Mums and Dads—to cover all the bases and then some.” Red Nose recommends the use of a comforter in the cot from the age of 7 months, so the Hoochy Coochie puppet comforter is ideal to introduce during playtime or storytime so that baby forms a special bond from a young age.
Forever Friend
Ask any parent and they will agree, the beloved comforter or snuggie toy is one of their child’s most precious belongings. It’s a special item that provides comfort and connection and something children can become very attached to, bringing them along for outings, not just at sleep time. The “Forever Friend” set is the perfect gift for a baby and as the name suggests, they will treasure their fluffy friends for years to come.
The name Hoochie Coochy stemmed from the pronunciation of Nana Huchy “People often pronounce this Hutchy, so with a little subconscious branding we thought maybe we could steer them. It’s also a play on someone ooing and cooing to a baby “Hoochy Coochie Coo” during puppet playtime” explains Lucy.
The Grow Set
The collection also offers a “Grow Set” which includes a bundle of the Hoochy Coochie puppet comforter plus a matching rattle and toy, which is designed to grow with the child as they transition from baby to toddler and beyond.
If you’ve ever been caught out when their favourite toy is having a bath (in the washing machine!) or even misplaced that toy whilst out and about, Nana Huchy has got you covered with the “Backup Bundle” which offers value when purchasing multiples so you can always have another of their favourites tucked away. Brilliant!
The Hoochy Coochie collection is available now via the Nana Huchy website.
Minty readers have the chance to WIN one of ten Hoochy Coochie Grow Sets – so stay tuned for the competition launching tomorrow…