Second Scout

Storage & Organisation

Practical and amazingly helpful magnetic timber routine helpers.

Second Scout are obsessed with making life easier for families. They have designed a range of products that bring the whole family on board, including the littlest (and stickiest!) of hands. The original concealed magnetic timber picture helpers by Second Scout are not only practical, but a welcome edition for the interior-conscious too (no more hiding brightly coloured, laminated signs behind closed doors!)

Picture helpers that bring the whole family on board, including the littlest (and stickiest!) of hands

Second ScoutTM is designed by a Brisbane Mum of two young children and first in line for anything that can make life a little less chaotic. She wanted to make the routine of the day a little more clear for her daughter without ‘sounding like a broken record’ and came up with the idea of using pictures to help her. Hey presto, it worked!

Megan knew she had to share this winning combo with others craving calm amongst the chaos, and that’s when Second ScoutTM was born!

Second Scout are obsessed with making life easier for families. We all know that many hands make light work, and their picture helpers that bring the whole family on board, including the littlest (and stickiest!) of hands. The original concealed magnetic timber routine helpers and planners by Second Scout can be interpreted with ease, even before children can read!

The designs are big people-pleasers too, carefully curated for the most interior-conscious amongst us. The simple, modern designs and quality materials ensure you’ll want to show them off rather than hide them away.

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