Come and Play with jnr.life
Is there anything that our kids love more than the freedom to engage in imaginative, free play?
Is there anything that our kids love more than the freedom to engage in imaginative, free play?
Cattywampus may sound a little bit quirky, a little bit left of centre, but at it’s core is a desire to foster creativity and capture the imagination in all of us.
The free movement philosophy, developed by Magda Gerber was something that resonated deeply with Leigh Holford of MOOV Baby. She was drawn to find out more about how it could facilitate her son’s play and physical exploration by helping him gain confidence and independence in his movement.
Jake Diaz is the brains behind this brand, handcrafting sustainable toys made in Australia. Designed for creative playtime that stimulates imagination and encourages learning.
Our latest print magazine Issue 12 is all about fostering learning through play. A brand that really aligns with the core value Minty Magazine holds is Little Big Learning. Their products are developed around simple, open ended play items that allow children to actively use their imagination.
Today we chat to Stephanie and Lauren, owners of Little Big Learning about all things business, sustainability and their upcoming plans for the future.
I think all our readers know by now that sustainable, ethical and eco-friendly products are so on trend right now. Minty Magazine cannot stop raving about how important this issue is to us. Another brand on the mission to share products that are non-toxic and eco-friendly is Play to Learn.
Minty Magazine chat to Lisa Clements-Galati who is the owner of Play to Learn. She founded the business 12 years ago with a vision to create quality products to promote play and learning within children in a natural environment. Today, her dream has been realised. Play to Learn now stock a variety of beautiful brands and products in their online store.
All the latest trends right to you.