My Style Pick – Modern Australiana
It’s no secret that as Editor of Minty Magazine, I am constantly inspired by all of the incredible products available to create the most beautiful children’s rooms. The options are endless, and with all of the clever parents out there sharing their style on Instagram, I knew when it came to my own kids room I would have to put my blinkers on and stick to my own personal style.
We live in a 2 bedroom house and it was time to move my daughter, Florence, out of our room and in with her brother, Charles. I was overwhelmed with ideas for this shared space so to get started I took some time to define my outcomes.
1. Reuse as many of our exisiting pieces as possible
2. Create a space for sleep and play
3. Purchase items with longevity
Keeping these outcome in mind helped me to narrow down my ideas and quickly decide on my direction for the room. Modern Australiana.

The Layout – To Bunk or not to Bunk
Once I had a vision in mind, I focused on the layout. My biggest decision was 2 single beds or take the plunge with bunks. Aesthetically, I loved the idea of 2 beds, but when I came back to my outcomes, I knew bunks were my best option for floor space to play. I confirmed this by drawing out the room to scale and looking at both options on paper. Bunks were a clear winner!
The Plyroom Castello Bunk Bed was the perfect choice. For a start, I absolutely love the design and have had Plyroom on my wish list for many years. The Castello has a low profile which is perfect for space saving. It is made from sustainably forested birch, and its finishes are non toxic and water based. Whilst everything everyone tells you about making the top bunk is true, I am so happy with this decision – the small foot print is invaluable and the bunk is a show stopper when you enter the room. It is a piece that will stay with us for many year to come.

By now, with the big decisions made, my mind turned to the finessing the colour palette.
I had always known my colour palette would be drawn from the Sarah Kalidis print I purchased in 2018. It is timeless, and the colour so calming for a kids room. I also new I wanted to include a locker from Mustard. I am an avid fan of Becca and Jess and their beautiful products and given additional storage was required in the room, it was a no brainer. The Lowdown in Ocean was the PERFECT colour, and we use it to store all of our day to day toys.
Finally, linen. I agonised over this. Previously this room had a king single bed so I already had beautiful linen quilt covers in a double size. I hate waste so I stuck with double quilts (yes, absolutely adding difficulty to making the top bunk!) and used the stunning I Love Linen and In Bed linen I already owned. I couldn’t resist a few pieces from my favourite colour crush Rachel Castles and the gorgeous shell cushion from Hunter and Nomad to finish the beds.

Adding Australiana
It’s pretty fair to say I have always loved Australiana so a had a few resources to draw from to add the finishing touches. Our One Two Tree Australia Treasure Board is an all time favourite and our For Me By Dee Kangaroo Print a perfect inclusion.
Overall, I couldn’t be happier with how the room has turned out. It such a beautiful, usable room that we all love to hang out in. I am thrilled that purchases I made over 4 years ago are still relevant and in use (saving me big time on this room), and, as always, incredibly grateful every day for my beautiful kids and their joy as they laugh (and fight), play and rest in their own sanctuary.
Catello Bunk and Little Nest by Plyroom, Low Down Locker in Ocean by Mustard, Khaki Quilt by In Bed, Wildfllower Pink Quilt by I Love Linen, Floral Spot Linen Throw, Blue Bumble Blanket, Tulip Pillowcase, Rainbow Linen Pillowcase and Gingham Cushion by Castle and Things, Shell Cushion by Hunter and Nomad, Australia Treasure Board by One Two Tree, Wooden Toys by Play to Learn, Dolls High Chair by Tiny Harlow, Cloud Cushion and Soft Toys by Kido Store.
Styled by Madeline McFarlane
Shot by Francoise Baudet